9 SEO Tactics to Supercharge your B2B Videos with YouTube

You’ve commissioned an awesome video – it’s on your website, posted to LinkedIn, on the video wall in the reception area and part of your tradeshow overheads.  In the B2B space, that’s all you need, right?  Well, if you’re not leveraging the power of YouTube in your strategy, you might be missing out on a golden opportunity. After all, YouTube isn’t just a platform for cat videos and makeup tutorials – it’s the second largest search engine on the planet. So, why not make it work for you? Let’s dive into some practical suggestions on applying SEO tactics to your videos and getting them noticed by your B2B audience.

  1. Research Keywords:  First things first, put on your detective hat and identify those golden keywords and phrases related to your video content. What would your potential customers be typing into the search bar?
  2. Optimize the Title: Your video title is like the first impression on a blind date – make it count! Craft a compelling, keyword-rich title and throw your main keyword at the beginning. Think of it as giving YouTube’s search algorithm a little nudge in the right direction.
  3. Optimize the Description: Don’t be shy with that video description! You’ve got a whole 1,000 characters to play with, so use them wisely. Summarize your content, insert those keywords naturally, and give viewers a sneak peek into what they’re about to watch. Bonus points for letting them know why they want to watch it!
  4. Add Tags: Tags can give you an advantage with search engines. Help them understand your video’s context by adding a mix of broad and specific tags related to your content. It’s like giving your video a roadmap to success.
  5. Optimize the Thumbnail: Who said you can’t judge a book by its cover? Your thumbnail is the face of your video, so make it count. Don’t let YouTube choose some random frame in the video and then accept it as the thumbnail. Create something eye-catching and relevant – a sneak peek that screams, “Click me!”
  6. Add Transcriptions and Closed Captions: Make your content more accessible and search engine-friendly by providing accurate transcriptions or closed captions. Not only does this open up your video to a broader audience, but it also helps search engines understand what you’re saying.
  7. Create Playlists: Time to get organized! Group your videos into playlists based on themes or topics. This not only keeps your channel tidy but also encourages viewers to stick around and watch more. It’s like a Netflix binge for your business.
  8. Build Your Channel’s Authority: Consistency is key. Keep pumping out high-quality content to establish your channel as the go-to source in your niche. An authoritative channel is like the cool kid in school – everyone wants to be associated with it.
  9. Update Regularly: Don’t be a stranger! Regularly update your channel with fresh content to keep the algorithm happy. The more you feed YouTube,, the more it rewards you with better search rankings.

So, there you have it – our easy and actionable tips for building an SEO strategy for your B2B videos. Now you’re ready to go forth and conquer that YouTube search bar.

Blue Marble is a Video Agency headquartered in Atlanta, with a 30-year track record of creating strategic, brand-moving videos that hit it out of the park for clients like SAP, the State of Georgia, Fiserv, Manhattan Associates, Sage, Pitney-Bowes, LEVELOR, Verizon, Georgia-Pacific and many more. From brand manifestos to new product rollouts to customer support videos and more, we use the unique power of the medium to create an emotional connection with your viewer. Clients come to us for our award-winning creative — and then come back for our easy-to-work-with attitude and bullet-proof video production process.

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