From Marketing Budgets to Video Assets

As everyone knows, the magic word on a video shoot is “action” – followed closely by “lunch break” and “that’s a wrap”! Yet, before anyone begins to think about lights, cameras or editing there’s the most magical word of all. “Budget!”

Believe it or not, we enjoy budget conversations. Our approach has always been to create both a finished show, AND  highly versatile video assets with a life beyond the show. For us, planning and budgeting go hand-in-hand with being creative and smart.

Let’s look at a couple of ways we can add our know-how to amplify your video investment.

If B is for Budget, Your B-Roll Quality Counts

Too often b-roll (the footage that illustrates what the narrator or interviewee is talking about) is left to chance. When shooting on location – especially in your workplace or with your customers – we believe in having a b-roll plan that makes the most of time, place, crew and gear to build your b-roll library.

Existing Video Assessments/Audits

Existing footage from previous projects can be a key ingredient when used in new projects. But, remember, almost all b-roll has to be updated from time to time!  With constant changes in technology, packaging, design trends and even clothing and hairstyles styles – what was fresh and cutting-edge three years ago is likely to look out of date today.  The Blue Marble team can review and find ways to enhance or replace what’s on file.

Employee Communications that Stream Results

These days, the ability to recruit and retain employees is absolutely invaluable. Companies that deliver a clear brand message for employees and other team members have a big advantage over those who don’t. A big part of successful recruitment and employee engagement requires knowing how and where to communicate your message.  Do you have video communications that meet your colleagues on their screens in their favorite video language?  Blue Marble can help.

Motion Graphics & Animation Make the Message Clear and Memorable

Time and again we’ve seen it – a talking head. And forgotten it. Motion graphics and animation have the remarkable ability to make important points clear – and make them stick.

That’s the whole point of your video investment, right?  At Blue Marble, we know that every video has specific results it needs to achieve – which is exactly what we deliver.

Drop us a line or call 404-982-9552, so we can chat about putting your budget into action.

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