Getting Partners Excited about Payment Solutions Pays Off

Alegeus is a leading provider of SaaS-based benefit funding and payment solutions, which is as important as it is complex: means seamless payment processing for your benefits programs. So when they threw us the challenge of crafting a video for their annual Partner Success Summit in Denver, we knew we had a great challenge: how do we get a broad audience revved up about a solution that’s so… technical?

Setting the Stage for Excitement

Our 2-minute video kicked off the summit; the mission was to break through the tech-speak and get straight to the hearts of an audience who didn’t already know all the ins and outs of Alegeus’s tech.

Sure, it’s impressive stuff, but we wanted to do more than just impress—we wanted to inspire.

Crafting the Story

Working with Alegeus’ team, we crafted a video story that gave insight into the lives of patients and the behind-the-scenes business of making it all happen. From doctors’ offices to the board room, from the living room to smartphone screens, we wanted to get everyone at the summit talking about how Alegeus’s tech doesn’t just sit in some office—it makes a real, life-changing difference right on the frontlines.

In short, we aimed for that sweet spot between business and consumer needs illustrated by strong visual lifestyle videos.

The Payoff

And they loved it! Alegeus’s team appreciated the way we put the spotlight on a complex technology in a way that had everyone buzzing.

Want to have that spotlight turned on the work you do? Drop us a line! We’d love to talk about setting the stage for great conversations about what matters to your business.




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